Got Big Dreams?
We've got the tools & tribe to get You there.
Why Join?
Brioxy is a community of innovators of color committed to building power for and with other people of color. We host workshops and retreats to help you build transformative leadership, personal growth & wellness. We believe that healing and wellness are CENTRAL to social justice. And we back women and LGBTQ leaders of color with solutions that help their communities to become healthy and self sustainable. We heal ourselves. We heal each other. And our relationship to the land. Joining our community gives you the support you need to do the deepest healing work you've ever done. With backup.
Heal Yourself.
Healing Drives A Transformative Vision.
We believe that until you organize yourself--and do your OWN personal work, everything else will be limited.
How do you prioritize your health? What fears and insecurites drive your shadows? What are your healing modalities? Practices? How do you build a life that doesn't burn you out?
Heal with Others.
Stop Participating in Cycles of Trauma.
We need to grow our own. Our leadership development tools will help you build authentic movement connections & partnerships, while finding balance in your life.
For women and LGBTQ folks of color-we increase access to health services to shift the patterns the produce such poor health outcomes for ourselves and our people.
Heal Our Relationship
To The Land.
Resources. Training. Land Stewardship.
Until we own and control the land and institutions in our communities we cannot be self sufficient. We support innovators to build third spaces between work and home for communities of color to thrive. We help innovators of color to buy and invest in OUR neighborhoods.
Stay Connected. Join Our List.
Be the First to Access Membership.
Closing the Opportunity Gap for Innovators of Color.
Living the Brioxy Life is about redefining, for ourselves, how we shape our lives and communities. By joining our community you’re taking a step in the direction of your destiny, giving back in a huge way, and joining other young people of color to build transformative solutions for our communities.
Brioxy gives you access to important wellness and personal growth from healing retreats, workshops and trainings, access to wellness practioners plus a national tribe of some of the most dynamic leaders of color in the country. A space to explore your deep joy, center your health and build power for our communities.
All you need are the right tools.
Brioxy © 2024